Name: Dr. Elizaphan Muuro Maina |
Articles in refereed journals
- Gikera, J. Mwaura, E. Muuro and S. Mambo, "K-hyperparameter tuning in highdimensional space clustering: solving smooth elbow challenges using an ensemble based technique of a self-adapting autoencoder and internal validation indexes," Journal on Artificial Intelligence, vol. 5, pp. 75–112, 2023.
- Gikera, R. K., Mwaura, J., Maina, E., & Mambo, S. Trends and Advances on The K-Hyperparameter Tuning Techniques in High-Dimensional Space Clustering. Indonesian Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining, 6(2), 154-178.
- Ochukut, S. A., Oboko, R. O., Miriti, E., & Maina, E. (2023). Research Trends in Adaptive Online Learning: Systematic Literature Review (2011–2020). Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 28(2), 431-448.
- Ofori, F., Matheka, A., & Maina, E. (2023). Critical literature review on current state-of-the art in predicting students’performance using machine learning algorithm in blended learning environment. African Journal of Emerging Issues, 5(12), 23-38.
- Araka, E., Oboko, R., Maina, E., & Gitonga, R. (2022). Using educational data mining techniques to identify profiles in self-regulated learning: an empirical evaluation. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 23(1), 131-162.
- Thuku, J. K., Ondig, S. R., & Muuro, E. M. (2022). Use of Cloud Computing in Tutorial Group Discussions as a Method of Teaching and its Influence in Learning: A Case of Kenyatta University. International Journal of Social Sciences & Educational Studies, 9(2). Doi: 10.23918/ijsses.v9i2p154
- Kamunya, S. M., Oboko, R. O., Maina, E. M., & Miriti, E. K. (2022). A Systematic Review of Gamification Within E-Learning. Research Anthology on Developments in Gamification and Game-Based Learning, 123-140. ko.pdf?sequence=3
- Oyuga Anne, D., & Maina, E. (2021). Reinforcement Learning Approach for Adaptive eLearning Based on Multiple Learner Characteristics. Open Journal for Information Technology, 4(2), 1.
- Kivuva, F. N., Maina, E., & Gitonga, R. (2021). Multi-Agent Adaptive e-Learning System Based on Learning Styles. Open Journal for Information Technology, 4(1), 1.
- Araka, , Maina, E., Gitonga, R., Oboko, R., & Kihoro, J. (2021). University Students' Perception on the Usefulness of Learning Management System Features in Promoting SelfRegulated Learning in Online Learning. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 17(1), 45-64. pq-origsite=gscholar
- Araka, , Maina, E., Gitonga, R., & Oboko, R. (2020). Research trends in measurement and intervention tools for self-regulated learning for e-learning environments—systematic review (2008–2018). Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, 15(1), 1-21.
- Ofori, F., Maina, E., & Gitonga, R. (2020). Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Students’ Performance and Improve Learning Outcome: A Literature Based Review. Journal of Information and Technology, 4(1), 33-55.
- Anne , D. O. ., Chepkemoi, A. ., & Maina, E. . (2021). Automatic Student Affective State Detection from Plain Text. International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends, 10(01), 41–60. Retrieved from
- Kamunya, S., Oboko, R., & Maina, E. (2019). A Systematic Mapping of Adaptive Gamification in E-learning. Open Journal forInformation Technology, 2019, 2(2), 53-68.
- Kanyaru, P., & Maina, E. (2019). Enhancing Exploratory Learning Using Computer Simulation in an E-learning Environment: A Literature Review. Open Journal for Information Technology, 2019, 2(2), 53-68.
- Maina, E., Mavengere, N., Manzira, F., Kihoro, J., & Ruohonen, M. (2017, July). Learners’ Experiences in a Multicultural Remote Collaborative Learning Environment: A Case of ICT4D Course. WCCE 2017, IFIP AICT 515, Springer International Publishing AG. pp. 125–133, 2017.
- Njenga, S. T., Oboko, R. O., Omwenga, E. I., & Maina, E. M. (2017). Use of Intelligent Agents in Collaborative M-Learning: Case of Facilitating Group Learner Interactions. http://www.mecs-org/ijmecs/ijmecs-v9-n10/IJMECS-V9-N10-3.pdf
- Maina, E. M., Oboko, R. O., & Waiganjo, P. W. (2017). Using Machine Learning Techniques to Support Group Formation in an Online Collaborative Learning Environment. International Journal of Intelligent Systems & Applications, 9(3).
- Muuro, M. E., Oboko, R., & Wagacha W. P., (2016). Evaluation of Intelligent Grouping Based on Learners’ Collaboration Competence Level in Online Collaborative Learning Environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(2).
- Muuro, M. E., Wagacha, W. P., Kihoro, J., & Oboko, R. (2014). Students’ perceived challenges in an online collaborative learning environment: A case of higher learning institutions in Nairobi, Kenya. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 15(6).
Other Publications
Book Chapter
- Araka, E., Oboko, R., Maina, E., & Gitonga, R. K. (2021). A Conceptual Educational Data Mining Model for Supporting Self-Regulated Learning in Online Learning Environments. In Handbook of Research on Equity in Computer Science in P-16 Education (pp. 278-292). IGI Global.
- Kamunya, S. M., Oboko, R. O., Maina, E. M., & Miriti, E. K. (2021). A Systematic Review of Gamification Within E-Learning. Handbook of Research on Equity in Computer Science in P-16 Education, 201-218.
- Thuku, J. K., Maina, E. M., Ondigi, S. R., & Ayot, H. O. (2017). Enhancing Learner-Centered Instruction through Tutorial Management Using Cloud Computing. In J. Keengwe, & P. Bull (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Transformative Digital Content and Learning Technologies (pp. 137-153). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2000-9.ch008
- Gitonga, R. K., & Maina, E. (2017). Students' Experiences in Using Chat Rooms as Virtual Classrooms. In J. Keengwe, & G. Onchwari (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Learner-Centered Pedagogy in Teacher Education and Professional Development (pp. 242-256). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-0892-2.ch013
- Maina, E. M., Wagacha, P. W., & Oboko, R. (2016). Enhancing Active Learning Pedagogy through Online Collaborative Learning. In J. Keengwe, & G. Onchwari (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Active Learning and the Flipped Classroom Model in the Digital Age (pp. 232-254). Hershey, PA: Information Science doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9680-8.ch012
- Maina, E. M., Wagacha, P. W., & Oboko, R. O. (2015). A Model for Improving Online Collaborative Learning through Machine Learning. In J. Keengwe, & J. Agamba (Eds.) Models for Improving and Optimizing Online and Blended Learning in Higher Education (pp. 204-219). Hershey, PA: Information Science doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-6280-3.ch011
Refereed Learning Modules
- Developed open learning modules for SIT 111/012: Introduction to Database,
- SIT 202: Database Management Systems,
- SIT 302: Information System Security,
- SIT 408: Decision Support systems and
- SIT 411: Distributed Systems
Reviewed Conference Papers
- Cheserem, E., Maina, E., Kihoro, J., & Mwaura, J. (2022, August). A Conceptual Framework for Automatic Generation of Examinations Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Learning Management Systems. In IFIP World Conference on Computers in Education (pp. 441-450). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Kamunya, S., Mirirti, E., Oboko, R., & Maina, E. (2020, May). An Adaptive Gamification Model for E-Learning. In 2020 IST-Africa Conference (IST-Africa) (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
- Kamunya, S., Maina, E., & Oboko, R. (2019, May). A Gamification Model For E-Learning Platforms. In 2019 IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa) (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
- ARAKA, E., MAINA, E., GITONGA, R., & OBOKO, R. (2019, May). A conceptual model for measuring and supporting self-regulated learning using educational data mining on learning management systems. In 2019 IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa) (pp. 1-11).IEEE.
- Maina, E. M., Oboko, R. O., & Waiganjo, P. W. (2017, September). Extending moodle grouping functionality using artificial intelligent techniques. In AFRICON, 2017 IEEE (pp.55-58). IEEE.
- Njenga, S. T., Oboko, R. O., Omwenga, E. I., & Muuro, E. M. (2017, September). Regulating group cognitive conflicts using intelligent agents in collaborative M-learning. In AFRICON, 2017 IEEE (pp. 38-43). IEEE.
- Maina, E. M., & Kihoro, J. M. (2017, May). Learner experience of e-learning mode in institutions of higher learning: A case of Kenyan Universities. In IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa), 2017 (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
- Oboko, R. O., Maina, E. M., Waiganjo, P. W., Omwenga, E. I., & Wario, R. D. (2016, May). Designing adaptive learning support through machine learning techniques. In ISTAfrica Week Conference, 2016 (pp. 1-9). IEEE.
- Gitonga, R., Muuro, M., & Onyango, G. (2016, May). Technology integration in the classroom: A case of students experiences in using Edmodo to support learning in a blended classroom in a Kenyan University. In IST-Africa Week Conference, 2016 (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
- Maina, E. M., Njoroge, R. W., Waiganjo, P. W., & Gitonga, R. (2015, May). Use of tablets in blended learning: A case study of an Institution of Higher Learning in Kenya. In ISTAfrica Conference, 2015 (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
- Gitonga, R., Muuro, M., & Nzuki, D. (2014, May). Student’s experiences of using Wiki spaces to support collaborative learning in a blended classroom: A case of Kenyatta and KCA universities in Kenya. In IST-Africa Conference Proceedings, 2014 (pp. 1-10). IEEE.
- Maina E. Muuro, Manderick, B. and P.W. Wagacha, (2005) On Support Vector and Relevance Vector Machines, Proceedings of the 17th Belgium-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Pg 297-304), BNAIC.
- Kamau, G., Boore, C., Maina, E., & Njenga, S. (2018, May). Blockchain Technology: Is this the Solution to EMR Interoperability and Security Issues in Developing Countries?. In 2018 IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa). IEEE.
- Njenga, S., Oboko, R., Omwenga, E., & Maina, E. (2018, May). Facilitating Group Learner Participation using Intelligent Agents in Collaborative M-Learning. In 2018 IST-Africa Week Conference (IST-Africa). IEEE.
Scholarly Presentation at Conferences/Workshops
- Cheserem, E., Maina, E., Kihoro, J., & Mwaura, J. (2022, August). A Conceptual Framework for Automatic Generation of Examinations Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Learning Management Systems. In IFIP World Conference on Computers in Springer Nature Switzerland: Virtually done
- Maina, E. M., Oboko, R. O., & Waiganjo, P. W. (2017, September). Extending Moodle grouping functionality using artificial intelligent techniques. IEEE AFRICON 2017 Conference , 18 - 20 September 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Njenga, S. T., Oboko, R. O., Omwenga, E. I., & Muuro, E. M. (2017, September).Regulating group cognitive conflicts using intelligent agents in collaborative M-learning. IEEE AFRICON 2017 Conference , 18 - 20 September 2017, Cape Town, South Africa.
- Maina, E. M., John Kihoro. (2017, May). Learner Experience of E-learning Mode in Institutions of Higher Learning: A Case of Kenyan Universities. IST-Africa Conference, 31st May -3rd June 2017, Windhoek, Namibia
- John Kihoro, Maina (2016). Transforming Examinations processing and Management at Universities: An ICT Solution. 1st Biennial Conference on the State of Higher Education In Kenya. 22nd – 25th August 2016, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
- Oboko, E. Maina and P. Wagacha, E. Omwenga (2016). Designing Adaptive Learning Support through Machine Learning Techniques. IST-Africa Conference, 11th-13th May 2016, Durban, South Africa
- Muuro, R. Oboko and P. Wagacha, (2015). Intelligent Support in Group Formation in an Online Collaborative Learning Environment. Pan African Conference on Science,Computing and Telecommunications (PACT), Kampala, Uganda 2015
- Maina, E. M., Njoroge, R. W., Waiganjo, P. W., & Gitonga, R. (2015, May). Use of tablets in blended learning: A case study of an Institution of Higher Learning in Kenya. IST-Africa Conference, 5th-9th May 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi.
- Gitonga, R., Muuro, M., & Nzuki, D. (2015, May). Student’s Experiences in Using Chat Rooms as Virtual Classrooms: A Case of Kenyatta University Distant Learning Students. IST-Africa Conference, 5th-9th May 2015, Lilongwe, Malawi.
- Muuro, P. Wagacha and R.Oboko (2014) Intelligent Grouping Based on Collaboration Competence Level (IGCCL). 2014 International eLearning Innovations Conference & Expo: 29-31 July 2014, Safari Park Nairobi, Kenya
- Gitonga, R., Muuro, M., & Nzuki, D. (2014, May). Student’s experiences of using Wiki spaces to support collaborative learning in a blended classroom: A case of Kenyatta and KCA Universities in Kenya. IST-Africa Conference, 6th-10th May 2014, Mauritius
- Muuro, P. Wagacha and R.Oboko (2013) Students’ Perceived Challenges in an Online Collaborative Learning Environment: A Case of higher learning institutions in Nairobi,Kenya. 2013 1st International Conference of the AVU, 20-22 November, Intercontinental Hotel; Nairobi, Kenya
- Muuro, P. Wagacha and R.Oboko (2013) Intelligent Grouping Based on Collaboration Competence Level (IGCCL). 2013 International eLearning Innovations Conference & Expo: 29- 30 July 2013, Safari Park Nairobi, Kenya
Student Evaluations
- Taught SCO 800: Research Methodology, SCO 806: Research Methods in Computing and SCO 811: Machine Learning with an evaluated scored above 95%
- Mentored 5 Master Students in Msc Computer Science on proposal writing and successfully supervised 3 to completion and two are on field work
- Mentored 6 PhD Students in Computer Science on proposal writing and successfully supervised 1 to completion and five are on field work
- Successfully examined internally three Msc project reports and guided students to do corrections
Training in higher education
- Trained in May 2023 on Active Learning Methodology: Kenyatta University & Rice360 Faculty Workshop on : Evidence-Based Teaching Strategies to Support Student Learning 6-10 March 2023 Safari Park Hotel along Thika Rd, Nairobi
- Trained in teaching of Unified Modeling Language: IEEE workshop on in Kenyatta University, Kenya, 30th to 31st August 2106.
- Teaching Methodology: Administration of Examination, Marking and Analysis
Networking and Collaborating with External Organization
- January 2023 Initiated Collaboration with Huawei Academy to train Huawei Courses in IPTCC
- February 2022: Initiated Collaboration with ICDL Africa to train ICDL Courses in IPTCC
- Collaboration with kodris Africa
- February 2022: Initiated Collaboration with IBM Academy to train IBM Courses in IPTCC
- April 2023: Initiated Collaboration with kodris Africa to Train teachers in Coding
- December 2016: Collaboration with The Cooperative University of Kenya and University of Nairobi on a Multidisciplinary research for NRF
- September 2016: A collaboration Between London South Bank University and School of Engineering and Technology
- June 2015: Collaboration between Kenyatta University and the Ministry of ICT
- Collaborated with Catania University to organize a workshop on e-Infrastructures and Open Science In Support of Public Health (Sci-GaIA) on 8th February 2017 at Kenyatta University Conference Center (KUCC)
Editorial Board and Reviewer
- 17 Feb 2022: Invitation for Guest editor: Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering in
- Elsevier Publications "Intelligent High-Performance Computing (i-HPC) towards Sustainable Society".
- August 2023: Reviewer Invitation from Online Learning and Educational Technology Reviewer
- January 2022: Reviewer for conference papers: IFIP TCE WCCE 2022 Conference
Consulting for Organizations
- April 2023: Appointed as Training Consultant in Kodris Africa
Professional Membership
- Member to IEEE: Membership Number 93730111
- Member to WG-3.4: Professional and Vocational Education in ICT representing kenya
External Academic Examiner
- 29th August 2023: External examiner in KCA University for PhD Thesis entitled “Bert-Based Model For Recommending Employability Profiles Of Information Technology Students In Unstable Developing Countries”
- 21st April 2021: External examiner in JKUAT for Msc. Thesis entitled “A framework for Items
- Recommendation Systems Using Hybrid Approach”
- April 2021 –December 2022: External Examiner in School of Computing and Informatics, UoN
- May 2015- to December 2019: External Examiner in Computer Science at St. Paul University
Administrative Positions
Head of Section or Unit
- June 2024 to Date: Executive Dean Digital School of Virtual and Open Learning
- January 2022 to May 2024: IPTCC Coordinator- ICT Professional Training and Certification Center (IPTCC), Kenyatta University
- October 2018 to January 2022: e-learning Coordinator DSVOL, Kenyatta University
- 2012 to Oct. 2016: Chairman, Department of Computing and Information Technology
- 14th to 28th August 2016: Acting Dean School of Engineering and Technology
- 8th to 12th December 2014: Acting Dean School of Engineering and Technology Appointments to University Committees
- 14th September 2023: Committee to Steer the Roll Out of ICT Professional Courses at the Nakuru Campus
- 8th January 2022: Committee on Increasing Number of 100% Online Courses
- 8th September 2021: A Committee to Develop Teaching Practicum tool for Competence Based Curriculum (CBC)
- 25th February 2020: Chair Committee for Research, Innovation and Projects in School of Engineering and Technology
- 1st October 2019: A Committee to Guide on the Integration of Blended learning in the Regular Mode of Study
- July 2018: A Committee to organize the 2019 Deep Learning INDABA in Kenyatta University
- January 2018: A Committee to Develop a Common Learning Management System (LMS)
- November 2017: A Committee to Investigate Fees Fraud and Emerging Cases of Tampering with Marks
- April 2017 : A Committee on School of Engineering and Technology Programmes Accreditation
- March 2017: A Committee to develop Bill and Melinda Gates Proposal
- January 2017: Committee to plan the hosting of public Health Gateways Open ScienceWorkshop in Kenyatta University
- October 2016: A committee to develop a proposal for NRF
- September 2016: Committee to develop A collaboration Between London South Bank
University and School of Engineering and Technology
- April 2013 to Dec 2016: Appointed as Member of ICT Board, Kenyatta University
Other Responsibilities
- January 2017 to May 2023: Head Postgraduate Board in School of Engineering and Technology
- January 2017 to May 2023: Head Postgraduate Board in Department of Computing and Information Technology
- January 2022 to Date: Coordinator and Thematic leader PhD in Computer Science Program Department of Computing and Information Technology
- August 2017-May 2018: Development of Master of Science degree in Computer Science and PhD in Computer Science programmes
- 2017 to Date: Academic advisor for Postgraduate Programmees in Department of Computing and Information Technology
Principal Investigators in Research grants
- February 2024: Awarded Ksh. 1,500,000 research and innovation grant in educational technologies (GRANT NO.KENET/EDTECH/2024/1) for project entitled ―Supporting Active Learning and creativity in Computer Science Using a Large Language Model ―
- February 2024: Principal for SKIES project entitled ―Rapid Skills Job Readiness Programme ― worth Ksh. 5,937,261
- May 2023: Worn Ksh. 200 Research Grant fromvIvE Catalytic Faculty Research grant for project entitled ―Machine Learning and IoT based Pre-eclampsia Prediction Model for Improving Pregnancy Outcomes ―
- April 2023: Obtained Ksh. 500,000 from kodris for training teacher in coding
- January 2018: Worn Ksh. 19,263,000 Research Grant from NRF for Multidisciplinary
Research in ―Enhancing e-learning with AI
- December 2017: Worn Ksh. 830,000 Research Grant from KU VC grant
- January 2012: Worn Ksh. 1,185,000 PhD. Research grant from NACOSTI
Community Outreach
- 2020 to Date: Member of BoM. St.John's High School, Pumwani and St Joseph Community Centre
- 2016 to Date: Member of Church Council in ACK. St. Martin Kahawa Wendani parish
- 2015 to Date: Member of BoM: Chairman of ACK. St. Martin Kahawa Wendani Academy
Professional affiliations
- IEEE Member
- WG-3.4: Professional and Vocational Education in ICT representing kenya